19 research outputs found

    The technological meat quality of the White Mangalitsa breed

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    Article Details: Received: 2019-08-21 | Accepted: 2019-10-10 | Available online: 2019-12-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2019.22.04.124-129The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the technological meat quality of the breed White Mangalitsa through the pH, electric conductivity, drip loss and meat color parameters. Totally, 20 pigs of the breed White Mangalitsa (10 barrows and 10 gilts) were evaluated. Pigs were bred under the intensive breeding conditions. The animals were fed ad libitum using a complete feed compound with the added silage. Pigs were slaughtered upon reaching 110 kg of live weight. The muscles of MLD (Musculus longissimus dorsi) and MSM (Musculus semimembranosus) were evaluated. The meat quality analysis showed that pH1 was similar between the muscles. The evidently lower pH2 value was in MLD (P <0.01). The EC1 value (P <0.01) was significantly higher in the MSM muscle. The EC2 values in MLD and MSM were similar. Between the muscles, an evidentiary difference was observed in water drip loss (P <0.01), higher losses were recorded in MLD. In the SCI a* and SCI b* values, which express the redness and yellowness of the meat, the values in MSM were higher. The lightness of the meat (SCI L*) was the same in both muscles. The differences between the sexes in the observed qualitative parameters were not detected.ReferencesBEDNÁŘOVÁ, M. et al. (2014) Monitoring of color and pH in muscles of pork leg (M. adductor and M. semimembranosus). In Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 48–53. doi: https://doi.org/10.5219/337EGERSZEGI, I. et al. (2003) Mangalica – an indigenous swine breed from Hungary: Review. In Archives Animal Breeding, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 245–256. doi: https://doi.org/10.5194/aab-46-245-2003ENDER, K. et al. (2002) Fleisch und Fett von MangalitzaSchweinen im Labor. In Fleischwirtschaft, vol. 82, no. 6, pp. 125–128.FLEGLER, J. (2015) Das Wollschwein. 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    Nowadays breeding has become the problem often solved in European states and it has been paid much attention by breeding organizations. In terms of hippology as well as some urgent requirements from the side of nonius breeders we have focussed on this particular breed especially from the reason of its further survival and development in Slovakia. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the growth indicators as well as the achievement level of the stallions since 1927 to the present. Based on our research of the nonius body lines we can state that at present there are 3 stallions that are followers of the N VIII horse line founder. In general, there are 12 stallions that are active within this breed in Slovakia. It was statistically confirmed that this particular breed grew much stronger through the goal-directed breeding work, improved nutrition as well as the immediate breeding site. It was quite complicated to evaluate the performance tests because the individual indicators were significantly influenced by the subjective views of the commitee members performing the evaluation. The next factor which prevents the objective evaluation is the fact that in the period up to 1979, the performance tests were valued by the 100 point system and from the year 1980 by the 10 point system. That is why we take the performance test results into account only as supplemental ones, which can provide a kind of amendment to the observed biological parameters


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    Cieľom práce bolo uskutočniť analýzu génovej rezervy plemena Nonius z hľadiska uplatnenia jednotlivých rodín v chove tohto plemena na Slovensku. Pri vyhodnocovaní uplatnenia jednotlivých rodín sme hodnotili dĺžku pôsobenia konkrétnej rodiny v chove, počet chovných kobýl v rodine do súčasnosti, počet generácií v rodine do súčasnosti a počet chovných kobýl rodiny zaradených v súčasnosti do génovej rezervy. Ďalej sme porovnávali hodnoty základných telových mier a výsledky skúšok výkonnosti dosiahnuté v konkrétnych rodinách. Z dosiahnutých výsledkov sme zistili, že na Slovensku pôsobí 14 rodín plemena Nonius, v chove bolo zaradených 34 kobýl. Najlepšie hodnotenie mala rodina 597 Nonius XVI-15. Z výsledkov môžeme konštatovať, že úroveň chovu tohto plemena za posledné desaťročie výrazne vzrástla, čím sa odvrátila cesta likvidácie Noniusa na Slovensku.The aim of study was to analyze gene reserve of Nonius breed, from a point of families´ used in breeding in Slovakia. In evaluation of separated families, the length of impact of family in breed, number of breeding mares in family to present, number of generations in family to present and the number of breeding mares inserted to gene reserve was measured. Also the basic body measurements and the results of exams of performance in families were evaluated. From our results it could be concluded that in Slovakia 14 families of breed Nonius are effective and 34 mares are inserted in breeding. The family 597 Nonius XVI - 15 has the best evaluation. From the results, we can state, that the level of this breed has increased in last 10 years. On the other hand, destroy of Nonius was warded off in Slovakia

    Influence of indirect factors and its effect analysis on performance level of Slovak warmblood horse breed

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-21 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.105-108During their career, horses are affected by a large number of direct and indirect factors. The aim of our study was to determine the effect of indirect factors, such as year of start, sex, breed, number of starts, age and proportion of genes of Slovak Warmblood horse breed. For determination of indirect factors on performance level, results from test efficiency and final placement in showjumping category 4, 5 and 6 years old young horses were used. 540 horses of Slovak Warmblood breed were analysed between 2015 - 2019 and 1155 data samples were collected. Based on the results of the linear model, parameters – the effect of gender and the influence of the gene proportion of Slovak Warmblood horse had statistically significant influence (p<0.05). High significant effect (p<0.001) on performance of Slovak Warmblood horse was observed in parameters – year of start, age during start and breed.Keywords: horse, indirect factors, performance References CASTEJON-RIBER, C. et al. (2017). Objectives, Principles and Methods of Strength Training for Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 56, 93-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2017.04.011De MARÉ, L. et al. (2017). Standardized exercise tests in horses: current situation and future perspectives. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 86(2): 63-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.21825/vdt.v86i2.16290GOŠČÍK, Z. (1993). Fyziologický základ tréningu koňa atléta. Nitra: Mgr. Marta Ölvecká. ISBN 80-900413-6-1, 70p.GOŠČÍK, Z. (2000). Racionálny tréning športových koní a jeho vplyv na ich dlhodobé využitie. [online]: http://www.horses.sk/'konfer/kratr. htm HENNESSY, K. et al. (2008). Vendor and purchaser expectations: differential market segment requirements for sport horses. In proceeding from 4th International Conference of International Society for Equitation Science. Dublin (p. 53).KEARSLEY, C. G. S. et al. (2008). Use of competition data for genetic evaluations of eventing horses in Britain: analysis of the dressage, showjumping and cross country phases of eventing competition. Livestock Science, 118(1), 72-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2008.01.009KOENEN, E. (2002). Genetic evaluations for competition traits of warmblood sport horses. In WBFSH seminar, Budapest.KOENEN, E. P. C., ALDRIDGE, L. I. & PHILIPSSON, J. (2004). An overview of breeding objectives for warmblood sport horses. Livestock Production Science, 88(1), 77-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livprodsci.2003.10.011KRATTENMACHER, N. et al. (2014). The role of maternal lineages in horse breeding: Effects on conformation and performance traits. In proceeding from 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, Canada (p. 17-22).LUEHRS-BEHNKE, H. et al. (2002). Genetic associations among traits of the new integrated breeding evaluation method used for selection of German warmblood horses. Veterinarija ir zootechnika, 18(40), 90-93.RICARD, A.; BRUNS, E.; CUNNINGHAM, E. P. (2000). Genetics of performance traits. The genetics of the horse, (p. 411-538). http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/9780851994291.0000RICARD, A. & BLOUIN, C. (2011). Genetic analysis of the longevity of French sport horses in jumping competition. Journal of Animal Science, 89(10), 2988-2994. http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2011-3931STEWART, I. D., WOOLLIAMS, J. A. & BROTHERSTONE, S. (2010). Genetic evaluation of horses for performance in dressage competitions in Great Britain. Livestock Science, 128(1), 36-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2009.10.011STEWART, M. et al. (2011). Assessment of positive emotions in horses: Implications for welfare and performance. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 6(5), 296. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2011.05.014SCHUBERTOVÁ, Z., PAVLÍK, I. & CANDRÁK, J. (2014). The influence of the genomic data on the showjumping horses performance evaluation. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 15(2), 33-40.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5513/JCEA01/15.2.1447SCHRÖDER, W. et al. (2012). A genome‐wide association study for quantitative trait loci of show‐jumping in Hanoverian warmblood horses. Animal genetics, 43(4), 392-400. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02265.xVan VELDHUIZEN, A. E. (1997). Breeding value estimation for riding horses in the Netherlands. In 48th Ann. Meet. EAAP, Vienna, Austri

    Analysis of movement mechanics in the training process of sport horses

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-15 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.145-149The aim of the study was to determine the effect of training process on changes of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the movement mechanics of sport horses. A load controller was used to evaluate the motion mechanics. The training load was divided into three stages with different lengths, speeds and degrees of load. Tested animals were 14 horses of Slovak Warmblood breed. Our results have shown that gradual increase of load in the tested horses resulted in better spaciousness of movement, which was reflected in the elongation of the horse´s stride, regular movement and significant energy of the pelvic limbs (p<0.05). From our findings we can state that the effect of gender did not have significant effect on the number and length of steps in each degree of load. We have noticed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the „number of steps“ parameter between the age categories of horses in the age up to 7 years (3.460±619) and the category aged up to 14 years (3.383±572). Gradual increase of the training load led to the economization of the movement and the long-term training process sled to the adaptation of the organism to repeated load. Keywords: horse, movement mechanics, training, treadmill, loadReferencesArfuso, F. et al. (2016). Dynamic modulation of platelet aggregation, albumin and nonesterified fatty acids during physical exercise in Thoroughbred horses. Research in Veterinary Science, 104, 86-91.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.11.013Barrey, E. (2016). Biomechanics of locomotion in the athletic horses. Veterian Key [online], 10. Retrieved June 20, 2019 from https://veteriankey.com/biomechanics-of-locomotion-in-the-athletic-horse/Barrey, E. et al. (1993). Stride characteristics of overground versus treadmill locomotion in the saddle horse. Acta Anatomica,146(2-3), 90-94. https://doi.org/10.1159/000147427Becero, M. et al. (2020). Capacitive resistive electric transfer modifies gait pattern in horses exercised of treadmill. BMC Veterinary Research, 16, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-020-2233-x  Becker, A. C., Stock, K. F. & Distl, O. (2011). Genetic correlations between free movement and movement under rider in performance tests of German Warmblood horses. Livestock Science, 142(1-3), 245-252.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.001Clayton, H. M. (2004). The dynamic horse: a biomechanical guide to equine movement and performance. Madison, MI: Sport Horse Publications. ISBN 097476700X.Fredricson, I. et al. (1983). Treadmill for equine locomotion analysis. Equine Veterinary Journal, 15(2), 111-115. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-3306.1983.tb01730.xHalo, M. et al. (2008). Genetic efficiency parameters of Slovak warm-blood horses. Arch. Tierz., Dummerstorf 51 (2008) 1, 05-15.Halo, M. et al. (2008). Influence stres on the training process of the horses. Journal of Central European Agriculture Open Access, 9(1), 217-223.Leleu, C., Cotrel, C. & Barrey, E. (2005). Relationships between biomechanical variables and race performance in French Standardbred trotters. Livestock Production Science, 92(1), 39-46.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livprodsci.2004.07.019  Mcbride, S. D. & Mills, D. S. (2012). Psychological factors affecting equine performance. BMC Veterinary Research, 8, 180. https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-6148-8-180McGreevy, P. D. & McLean, A. N. (2007). Roles of learning theory and ethology in equitation. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2(4), 108-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2007.05.003Mlyneková, E. et al (2016). Impact of training load on the heart rate of horses. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 19, 2016(4):167-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2016.19.04.167-170Moore, J. (2010). General biomechanics: the horse as a biological machine. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 30(7), 379-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2010.06.002Parkes, R. S. V. et al. (2019). The Effect of Training on Stride Duration in a Cohors of Two-Year-Old and Three-Year-Old Thoroughbred Racehorses. Animals, 9(7), 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9070466Persson, S. G. P. (1967). On blood volume and working capacity in horses. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 19(Suppl.), 9-189.Straub, R. & Hoppeler, U. (1989). Leistungstest im Feld und auf dem Laufband - Eine vergleichende Studie.  2nd Congress of the world Equine Vet. Assoc. Essen: Equitana

    Influence of the Year Season and Lairage Length in the Slaughterhouse on the Quality of Pig Meat

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    The impact of the length of pig housing in the slaughterhouse and the season on the meat quality of pigs was analyzed in the experiment. There were altogether 104 commercial pig hybrids used in the experiment weighing from 100 to 130 kilograms. The acidity of meat was assessed 45 minutes after slaughter in the longest back muscle - pH1 MLD and the semimembranosus thigh muscle – pH1 MSM. We found the lower pH1 value in MLD muscle (6.07) compared to MSM muscle (6.22) (P<0.05). The lowest occurrence of PSE meat in MLD and MSM was found out in the pigs slaughtered two hours after arrival to the slaughterhouse. The length of housing lasting for eight hours and more has negatively affected the quality of meat, which resulted in decreasing the average values of pH1 in MLD (P<0.05) as well as in MSM (statistically insignificant).The lower average values of pH1 MLD (5.98) were recorded in pigs slaughtered in the summer season compared to the winter period (6.16) (P<0.05). During the summer season, there was a threefold higher occurrence of the PSE meat in MLD muscle than in winter.  The season had no impact on the values of pH1 MSM. This work has been created with the support of KEGA 006SPU-4/2014 and VEGA 1/0818/16.Keywords: acidity, lairage, pork, PSE, seaso

    Effect of transport, rest period and temperature on pork quality from different countries

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    The aim of the experiment was to assess the pig meat quality in relation to preslaughter conditions and import country. In the experiment, the meat quality of 1980 pigs was evaluated. The animals were divided into three groups according to country of import (Slovakia, Hungary and Netherlands). The following pre-slaughter indicators were evaluated: duration of transport, duration of housing, temperature during housing and transport. The meat quality was judged on the basis of the pH1 value measured 45 minutes after the slaughter in the musculus longissimus dorsi – pH1 MLD and in the musculus semimembranosus – pH1 MSM. The highest frequency of PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat in the MLD was in the group of pigs imported from Slovakia (24.13 %). These pigs had also statistically significant (P<0.01) the lowest average pH1 MLD (6.05) in comparison with other imports. The incidence of PSE meat in the MSM was in all evaluated groups above 10 %. Group of pigs from Slovakia had the lowest value of pH1 MSM (6.23) in comparison with other groups of pigs (P<0.01). Even though the average length of housing in a slaughterhouse was from 11.26 to 15.43 hours high incidence of PSE meat was recorded. However group of pigs with the longest rest period (15.43 hours - Netherlands) had significantly higher pH1 MLD and pH1 MSM compared to other imports (P<0.01). From these results can be concluded that the incidence of PSE meat in evaluated groups is relatively high. Prolonging rest period and lower temperatures had positively influence on the incidence of PSE meat and pH value

    The Influence of Sex and Hybrid on the Fattening Parameters of Pigs

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    In the experiment, we investigated the effect of the hybrid combination and sex on the fattening parameters of pigs fed with the same feed. The analyzed group consisted of 27 animals. We used the final hybrids of BU x L x PIC and BU x PIC for the testing purposes. Feeding pigs with the mixture was the same for all the tested pigs. We evaluated the average daily gain (ADG) in grams (g), feed consumption ratio (FCR) in kilograms (kg), number of feeding days (FD) in two growth phases: Phase 1 - piglets (from weaning to 25 kg), Phase 2 - test (30-100 kg). The pigs of the hybrid combination LW x L x PIC (ADG – 533.6 g, p<0.01) had a higher intensity of growth after weaning, but the PIC x LW hybrid combination achieved a better efficiency of feed utilization (FCR – 1.56 kg, p<0.05). The sex differences were not statistically significant. During the growth period from 30 to 100 kg, better fattening parameters were reached by the hybrid LW x PIC (bigger ADG - 975.8 g, a smaller number of FD - 72.3, p<0.01). The differences regarding the FCR factor between the hybrids were not statistically significant. Better fattening parameters from 30 to 100 kilograms were achieved by barrows (ADG - 929.6 g, p<0.05; FD - 76.9, p<0.01; FCR - 2.69 kg, insignificant) in comparison to gilts. This work has been created with the support of KEGA 006SPU-4/2014 and VEGA 1/0818/16.Keywords: crossbreed, growth, sex, pig

    Comparison of the interior characteristics of Slovak warmblood horses and Lipizzan horses

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    One of the important factors that significantly affects the intensity and content of training and determines the performance it the horse interior. Character and temperament traits are described in the breeding goals of each breed of horse. The aim of this study was to analyze the horse interior and comparison the interior characteristics of two studied horse breeds Slovak warmblood horses and Lipizzan horses. Into the analysis were included 65 horses from National Stud Farm Topoľčianky, Slovak warmblood horses (n1 = 33) and Lipizzan horses (n2 = 32).Interior was analyzed through a questionnaire with 13 indicators with 10 point system, where 10 being the highest rating. Slovak warmblood horses become the highest ratings (average 89.1 pt, 74.42%) and Lipizzan horses (86.1 pt, 66.2%), so both breeds of horses can be considered as the breeds with balanced characteristics of temperament and character. But Lipizzan horses are more balanced, because their results had lower variability. There were insignificant differences between the analyzed horses in the studied breeds. Nevertheless, a several analyzes of individual indicators showed that between the Slovak warmblood horses and Lipizzan horses there is a significant difference in a single indicator of interior - 10 - Stress managing. In particular, it has been shown that Lipizzan horses manage stress significantly better than Slovak warmblood horses

    The analysis of serum mineral profile of cows before and after calving: A case study

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.89-92High-yielding dairy cows have several critical periods during lactation. These include the drying period, parturition, postpartum period and the first 100 days of lactation. The mineral profile displays the balanced feed ration appropriate for the category. Therefore, investigation of serum mineral profile of dry cows and cows in 12th week after calving was the aim of this study. In this work 12 high producing Holstein Friesian dairy cows from dairy farm were used. The analysed elements Ca2+, P, Na+, K+, Mg2+ and chlorides (Cl-) were determined at 4th week after drying  and during 12th week after calving. The data obtained were compared with the standard for dairy cows. Compared to reference interval, before calving 8 and after calving 5 cows had hypocalcaemia. Hypophosphatemia was detected for 2 cows before calving and 3 after calving. For the other elements Na, K, Mg2+ and chlorides (Cl-) no deviations from the reference intervals were found. In blood serum mineral profile between dry cows and cows in 12th week of lactation significant differences were found for Mg Cl- (increase) and K (decrease). Results shown, that main problem of dry and lactating cows was the hypocalcaemia and partly the hypophosphatemia.Keywords: metabolic test, mineral profile, blood serum, dairy cowReferencesAiello, S. E. (1998). The Merck veterinary manual (No. Ea9 DEPOSITO FV).Bertoni, G., Trevisi, E., & Lombardelli, R. (2009). Some new aspects of nutrition, health conditions and fertility of intensively reared dairy cows. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8(4), 491-518. 10.4081/ijas.2009.491Blood, D.C., &Radostits, O.M. (1994). Veterinary Medicine: A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses. 8th ed. W.B. Saunders Co.Burke, C. R., Meier, S., McDougall, S., Compton, C., Mitchell, M., & Roche, J. R. (2010). 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